Marjolaine essential oil has emollient and pectoral virtues but also antiseptic and bactericidal.
Respiratory, anti-inflammatory, anti-infectious, immune stimulating,
Anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, healing,
Well -being - relaxing, relaxation,
Cleans and harmonizes the mental body. Promotes creativity. Brings well-being in anxious and depressive states. Induces relaxation for easier sleep. Balancing of the neuro-vegetative system.
The Spanish Marjolaine is in fact botanically a thyme.
Recommendations for oils: massage (diluted) Frito oily anointing (diluted) Diffusion (in synergy)
Note: Synergies are available in stores
100% pure and natural essential oil
Botanical name: Thymus Mastichina Cineolifera (L.)
Part: Flower tops
Extraction method: complete water vapor distillation
Origin: Spain
Type of culture: certified organic certified
Appearance: pale yellow, liquid
Odor: spicy, camper
Zayat Aroma product
Synonym: Thymus brachychaetus, Thymus Tomentosus, Spanish Thymeinci: Thymus Mastichina Oilcas TSCA: 8016-33-9
Precautions for use
Keep out of the reach of children, air, heat and light. Perform a skin tolerance test in the elbow fold and wait at least 48 hours before any use on the skin.
See Zayat Aroma site